Saturday, June 1, 2019

ComputAbility - Sales Goals Essay -- essays research papers

ComputAbility, a mail-order connection, began in 1982. Anauthorized reseller of computer softw be and hardware,ComputAbility offers their clients over 50,000 products.The federation has built their reputation on a foundation ofcompetitive prices and quality service. In August of 1997,Creative Computers, also a mail-order company, acquiredComputAbility. The acquisition provided a deed ofbenefits to the company, primarily a larger productselection to offer to customers. Currently, ComputAbility employs 60 + people with plansof adding on 20 to 30 more pull in revenue representatives andsupport rung during the next year. Prior to February of1998, all of the sales representatives were in the inbounddivision. This division handles all incoming sales calls.Majorities of these calls are from individual consumers.Creative Computers had started their company the kindredway, but found the growth potential was in the businesssector. In February of 1998, ComputAbility started their collec tive sales division, an area already underway atCreative. This division of the company was created todevelop relationships with business clients, and become theprimary way of increasing company profit. Computabilityadded a dedicated trainer to the staff at the same time thecorporate division was started. This individuals primaryresponsibilities were to train new hires in the areas of sales,product knowledge, company policies and procedures andcomputer systems. Although there was a solid didactics political program in place,including ongoing new product training from manufacturers,the company was not profiting at an acceptable rate.ComputAbility experienced a decrease in sales and net dieduring the first year after the acquisition. The expectationwas that the acquisition should have provided the toolsnecessary to increase sales. So what could be theproblem? Although ComputAbility sales representativesnow had more tools for sale to them, some(a)thing was stillmissing. Creative Com puters decided to test a sales trainingprogram for the corporate sales division. There are anumber of sales training tools available. Tools range frombooks and seminars to dedicated sales training companyprograms. Management decided to work with a companywho had developed a sales training program. The initialstep was for top management to go through the training tosee if it was worth the time and... ...o sales improvement. This relationship will take some time.A longer phone conversation can help to qualify better andbuild the trust needed to assist in repeated sales volume.The longer you are on the phone, the greater the chanceyou will have to sell something to the client. The last graph looks at the monthly attendance vs adjustedgross profit and one can see little relationship on a directbasis. It should be noted that if you do not come to workyou would not make any calls. However just being at workwill not guarantee you success. The success of the programis dependent on the atti tude of quality not quantity. In summary, the amount of expertise developed over timeand the amount of quality conversations developed overtime are the important factors. Sales will not improve whenactivity is based on factors of quantity only.Harlan, R., Woolfson, Jr., W., (1991). Telesales ThatWorks. Chicago, Il Probus Publishing Company.Stone, B., (1995). Successful Direct Marketing Methods.Lincolnwood, Il NTC Business Books.Zajas, J., Church, O., (1997). ApplyingTelecommunications and Technology from a GlobalBusiness Perspective. Binghamton, NY The HaworthPress, Inc.

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